Thursday, August 18, 2011


cite karut hari ini bertajuk =cintaku di amsterdam=
haha..lawak x?? is about my superduperbest bestfriend a.k.a boyfee aku. he is a manusia paling cool yg pernah aku kenal la. paling best. paling macho. paling di sayangi boss (dan aku). dialah kebanggaan aku, kecintaan aku dsb.

time berbuka puasa tadi....

a: awak da decide offer boss utk kerja dgn dia?
b: blom
a: hm..xpelah. awk boleh try cari pengalaman kt firm lain dulu...
b: tu lah..saye ingat nk pergi amsterdam

aku terdiam. tetibe nk menangis..hee...dlm hati 'mesti nk tinggal aku kt sini ni. menyampah btol lah....'

a: oh..baguslah..awk nk pegi betul ke baru plan saje?
b: baru plan....

ffuuhh...lega aku....

a: nanti mesti awk tinggalkn sy kt sini sorang2......

tarik muka. muncung sedepa....

b: sayebawakawakskali......
a: ha ape?
b: sayebawakawakskali......
a: ha ape?
b: saye    bawak    awak    skali......
a: huhu......

yeay...... >.< walaupon hanya angan2, tp aku sangat gembira....dia x pernah lupakn aku dalam setiap langkah hidupnya.....

dialah awan nano saye.....

p/s: waktu ni nano sy sedang bekerja...b, sy doakan semoga impian awk tercapai...sebab bolehla sy pg amsterdam nanti :P

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

6 principles of life

We don't really realize the sense and essence of life. By the time we realize, it is too late. Let's give it a thought!!!


1· No point using limited life to chase unlimited money.

2· No point earning so much money you cannot live to spend it.

3· Money is not yours until you spend it.

4· When you are young, you use your health to chase your wealth; when you are old, you use your wealth to buy back your health. Difference is that, it is too late

5· How happy a man is, is not how much he has but how little he needs.

6· No point working so hard to provide for the people you have no time to spend with.

Remember this -- We come into this world with nothing,and we leave this world with nothing!